Mommy Heist
Gregory plays the worst ex-husband on the planet in this award-winning short film about three women who unite to stick it to the man, literally.
Directed by Anna Gutto, Mommy Heist stars Tiffiny E. Dixon, Canedy Knowles, and Ashley Ward as the lady triumvirate that schemes to rip off Gregory's jewelry store. Gutto co-wrote the screenplay with Jesse Soursourian, and Michael Soussan. Marion Cecinas produced.
Shot on location in Manhattan and Brooklyn, these clips of Mommy Heist also feature Elizabeth Fleming, Elizabeth Evans, Peter Trojgaard, Haleigh Ciel, and Colin Bates. Benjamin Gutton Soussan, Gael Schaffer, Edward Babinski, and Lorenzo Skelton play Ashley Ward's kids. Canedy Knowles's baby is her actual baby, Davis de Vries-Knowles.
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